Utterly Useless Wastes of Time

Looking for something to waste your time? Check out my vast array of sites that will totally ruin your productivity for the day.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

AIM Fights

Ever wonder who has the more popular screen name? Neither did I. However, I found myself wasting a good couple of minutes going through my buddy list to see if anyone could beat me. Fortunately no one did, or maybe unfortunately. I'm not sure if it makes more or less of a loser to win. Anyways, check it out here and see if you can beat your friends.

My Cubicle

Ya, it's a bit old. I know it. But you know what, it doesn't really matter because the song is great, and I love listenting to it.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Got a question?

Well here is your chance to see ninjas answer those pesky unanswerable questions. Click here to see them answer things like whether or ninjas believe in Santa, can they catch colds, and what's it like waiting in line with other Ninjas. Of course, as always, I may be twelve, but I find this website hysterical. Check it out, you'll be happy you did.

I'm going to the Drunken Clam

Family Guy Episodes

Personally this is one of my favorite shows on television and I'm seriously excited that during my last two days of work, I can sit here and watch a ton of episodes on my computer. Just like the Simpsons post below, someone decided to upload a ton of Family Guy episodes to their site so that you can watch them for free. I can't imagine that either site will be up to long before Fox comes after them, but needless to say it will be great while it last. Enjoy the family guy episodes here.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The 800 Billion Dollar Man

Do you know the man in the picture above? I know I didn't. Did you know that he has had an impact on each one of our lives? Did you know that he has saved us all a little from our paycheck each and every month? You would think, that a man with this much influence in our lives would be world famous. You would think that his face would be synonymous with greatness. Well clearly it isn't, but his name is Dr. Arthur Rosenfeld, and he is someone we should all look up to. He's a particle physicist who puts the planet first and has found countless ways for all of us to save energy. He runs and basically created the Center for Building Science, which tries to improve both our lives, and the health of our planet. By reducing the amount of energy required to run everything from refrigerators to light bulbs, not only does he save us some valuable coin, but he saves mother nature from less and less of a beating. Well back to the point of the article, you can read about his recent Enrico Fermi award here, and you can visit his wikipedia link to find out more about the man here

Urban Ninja

Nothing like watching people do Ninja like things. I wish I could see the outtakes of this video to see how many times they screwed up or got seriously hurt. Enjoy.

Monday, September 25, 2006

yay, another music list....

You know what I hate about music lists? Even if I don't care what they are about, I am compelled to read the entire list. Basically, they are a complete and total waste of my time, which means they probably fit in perfectly here. They sucker you in, and 20 minutes later you are not any better of a person, you rarely learn anything new, and you are not going to remember any of it by the next day. Yet they have some sort of gravitational pull on your attention span. Only if we could be this captivated by work. So here we go. What do the age of 27, the man in the picture above this article, and rootkits have in common? They are all part of the 50 worst things that happened to music.


It's harder than you think to write about something when you are completely incapable of forming sentances. That's exactly the quandary I find myself in at this point. I want to put my feelings into words about what I just read, but I cannot. As a result, let me just give a recap of what you are about to read. In towns and villages all throughout N.Y. state, they have what are called "Justice Courts." Mainly they are supposed to be for traffic related cases (speeding, parking tickets etc). However, they also handle a small amout of criminal hearings and can send you to jail. Now you would like to think that these courts are held to the same standards as normal courts, but they are not. Many of the "Justices" are poorly edjucated, a good amount of which have not even graduated high school. The only requirement for the job is, that they have is to pass a True False test. If they fail, they can retake it(passing is a 70). They are also incredibly hard to keep track of and as a result even harder to discipline. So basically we have stupid people, with the power to take away your rights, with no one to oversee their power. It is a deadly combination that can only lead to bad situations. Fortunately, the N.Y. Times spent a year on this article to bring it into the public eye.

Here are a few excerpts from the article:

  • And Carson F. Arnold Sr., a contractor from a nearby town, was jailed for five days after a woman who knew Justice Buckley complained that Mr. Arnold had threatened her, the commission said. There was no trial. The justice simply told Mr. Arnold to shut up, then sentenced him without bail.

  • A woman in Malone, N.Y., was not amused. A mother of four, she went to court in that North Country village seeking an order of protection against her husband, who the police said had choked her, kicked her in the stomach and threatened to kill her. The justice, Donald R. Roberts, a former state trooper with a high school diploma, not only refused, according to state officials, but later told the court clerk, “Every woman needs a good pounding every now and then.”

  • A black soldier charged in a bar fight near Fort Drum became alarmed when his accuser described him in court as “that colored man.” But the village justice, Charles A. Pennington, a boat hauler and a high school graduate, denied his objections and later convicted him. “You know,” the justice said, “I could understand if he would have called you a Negro, or he had called you a nigger.”

And that's just from the first page of the article. Anyways, read the times arcticle here

The end of productivity as we know it?

Need a way to pass the final hour of work? Look no further than this gem of a site. Some saint of a man/woman has decided to upload every single Simpsons episode to a website and allows you to view them free of charge. I would write something witty or funny, but there is really no need. Enjoy it until they take down the site for copyright infringement.

Run Kong, they are going to get you!

Remember Dianne Fossey, and how she wanted to save the gorillas? Yes, no? Well screw her, but not the gorillas. In London, there is this race (The Great Gorilla Run) where you have to dress up like a gorilla and run 7 kilometers. What's suprising is that the race is really taking off. Last year it generated over a million dollars, and they expect more this year. If you want to run in it, there is a 200 dollar enterance fee, and they send you a packet for raising money for the charity. More importantly, you get to dress up like a gorilla and run around without being considered crazy. However, there are a few things that I want to know. Do people throw bannanas at you as you run? Does the crowd make Gorilla noises as you run by them? What do you get if you win? Would it be wierd if I ran around trying to pick bugs off of all the other contestents? Do I have to run it at a good pace or can I walk it? Is there a celebration afterwords at a local bar? These are things I have to know before I decide to fly to london and act like a fool.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Need more Techmo Bowl?

While looking up fantasy football ideas and the NFL odds for week 3, I came across this gem of completely useless material. Ready? This guy, who clearly has more time on his hands than any of us, runs a SNES emulator to play Super Techmo Bowl with updated rosters on his computer (find out how here), and then posts the results online along with a recap. Better yet, he plays it on coach mode. So in essense, instead of going out, he is just watching an old video game play itself on his monitor. He doesn't even get to participate in the blocking fights. Add that to the fact that he lists a Least Valuable Player for each game, and he posts pictures of key plays, makes this a total waste of time that I am sure I will check each Friday before each weekend of football starts. Does the fact that I will be reading his weekly "columns" make me more or less of a winner than him?

Here's the link and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.