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Thursday, October 05, 2006

I hate my cubicle

When I look at something like this, a slide to go between floors, it makes me wonder why so many companies stick with the boring ass cubicle look. In reality, I wouldn't want to work for Red Bull, but if I walked in for an interview and got to take a slide down to someone's office, I'd definitely give it a second thought. It is not that I think slides are fundamental to employee productivity, although they may be onto something, it's that it shows the company actually cares about the amount of time you spend in the office, and your over all happiness while working. That in and of itself makes a company more desirable to work at, regardless of the fact that they are just feeding the caffiene addiction machine. To see the really cool Red Bull office and other cool places to work, check out this site. Have fun while I drink my 6th Red Bull of the day and have a heart attack on the floor.


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