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Friday, October 06, 2006

Sexual Consent

In today's troubled times it is always good to cover your ass. You never know when something that you might do or say may come back to bite you. As a result, not only should you always use a condom in the bedroom, but you should consider making sure there is Sexual Consent. A girl simply saying yes these days just doesn't cut it any more, and as that example shows, it's always better to be safe than sorry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the most pragmatic way to assure that you have proven Sexual Consent,in lieu of a signed consent form, which could be a romance dampener, would be to make sure condoms are a joint effort...and save the fingerprints. :-)

4:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You would think that even if the girls comes over to your place after grabbing you randomly in a bar, proceedes to plug in her cell phone, assures you that her younger sister isn't around and says hello to your friend sitting on the couch... that would be enough, but it's amazing what those crazy bitches get away with...

11:35 AM  

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